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Thoughts, musings, and other useful things
Read more...Below I share what 3 months of focus on being more focused taught me. Besides going meta ;-) 1....Read more...When something challenging happens, like things not going to plan or somebody crossing your...Read more...Whether we know it or not, we all seek balance in our lives. Balancing out our screen time with...Read more...Hearing a client reflect on his progress got me thinking about the role I played in that. Below I...Read more...I noticed how fear of making a mistake often stops us from showing up. Here's one idea that can...Read more...How do you motivate yourself to do the work? Do you wait for inspiration to strike, or are you a...Read more...When I first learned to meditate, almost 20 years ago, I became more focused and productive, but...Read more...If you've tried traditional goal setting, including visualisation of your desired future, but it...Read more...We've probably all taken an IQ test, but would you know where to place yourself on the emotional...Read more...When was the last time you felt emotionally heavy? Given that we’re in over 18-month long...Read more...How often have you found yourself running around, like a hamster on a wheel, dropping into bed at...Read more...Our resistance to change is based on our survival mechanisms, but that doesn’t mean it’s always...Read more...If you've found yourself slipping down a slope of frustration, anger, or just general doom &...Read more...Are you prepared to risk being bad, in order to stand a chance of succeeding? It may seem...Read more...1. It has a place in our lives. 2. It can’t really be gotten rid of. 3. There’s a better way. ...Read more...by Mojca Henigman, www.mojcahenigman.com Our mindset is not something we come born with, or...Read more...I’ve felt a mix of sadness, outrage, disillusionment, guilt, as well as deep compassion almost...Read more... We already have all the resources we ultimately need. We might not always be aware of them...Read more...I understand self-care as finding a balance between our different needs. It's about caring for...Read more...I want to share a simple but powerful tool with you today that will help you identify what you...More Posts
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