Short form videos
nuggets of wisdom to help you live more courageously
Harness the power of your focus
It's simple. All you need is be proactive. In no time at all, you can go from feeling negative to a sense of greater possibility and positivity about your life. Watch the video to find out how.
Emotional Fitness tool
Emotions just need to be felt, it's true. But sometimes we cling onto them for too long, and it's costing us our joy, our wellbeing, our productivity. This video will give you a perspective shift needed to move out of the emotional funk if you've noticed it's been dragging for too long.
Re-frame to stop performance anxiety
Move from the inner critical voice that causes you anxiety to a more compassionate self with this re-frame, and do your best without having to be perfect.
Watch the video to hear about my own experience with public speaking.
Do you also have an Inner Critic?
My perspective on who the inner critic is and simple steps on how to recognise it, so it can't hold you back so much anymore.
Perfection is a myth
Perfectionism holds so many creative, capable people back. Delaying our dreams into "someday I'll", putting our wellbeing and feeling good about ourselves on hold indefinitely. It's time to get creatively unblocked by taking a new perspective on perfectionism!
Quick tips to shift your mood
For when you're feeling blue of grouchy, here are 3 quick ideas to help you shift into a more pleasant energy.
Courage to live true to yourself
It takes courage to stop and examine your life by asking tough questions. But we only get one shot at life, so why not make sure we live it our way.
Why are you listening to your Inner Critic?
Self-awareness gives us choice. Learn about the (subconscious) reason why you keep believing your inner critic, and recognise that you have a choice in how you act.
It takes guts, but that's what living fully is about.
Courageous Conversations
series of conversations with inspiring, like-hearted guests on Courage
Irina Sanchez de Lozada
Courage to leave the comfort zone and go for your dream life with success strategist and coach Irina.
Gosia Szwed-Pruvot of
Courage to start something new with the founder of, a well-being expert platform.
Liesel Teversham
Perspective on Courage with a strengths-based coach and an EFT expert for sensitive introverts.
Viknesvari Jesudas
Courage in relationships and daring to show up as fully ourselves, with Confidence mentor Viknes.
Anastasia Salichou
The need for Courage to be our authentic self, no matter whether our environment approves or not, with intuitive life and health coach Anastasia.
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