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Guided imagery process to get in touch with our needs

July 29, 2019

I want to share a simple but powerful tool with you today that will help you identify what you need, to make your everyday more satisfying.

I learned this process the first time I went to the NLP conference and it blew me away.

For a bit of context, I wasn't feeling my best when the 3-day conference started. I was in a peculiar state of mind, feeling scattered, distracted and preoccupied. ⁣

The event opened with an all-day masterclass, and what blew me away was that by lunchtime, my scattered, preoccupied state of mind lifted like fog and I felt clear, grounded and excited (the power of NLP never ceases to amaze me).

The guided process I'm sharing with you today is called Dreaming Your Perfect Day and it's about creatively envisioning your regular day (not a day when all your dreams come true, but and ordinary day), imagining as if it went in an ideal way.

At the conference, we worked in pairs, where one of us was sat down and the other stood behind resting their hands gently on their partner's shoulders, to help them stay grounded and connected to their body. This helped the person sitting and going through the process stay completely relaxed and present.⁣

If you're doing this alone, that's fine, just make sure you get nicely relaxed before you start visioning. It's going to be much easier to connect to the best possible day if you're relaxed.

Now try this yourself - Dream Your Perfect Day:

1. Get relaxed first. Take a few deep breaths, feel your feet on the ground and back upright, relax your belly, relax your shoulders, relax your face and jaw. Feel yourself grounded and supported by the chair you're sitting on. Do a quick body scan and relax any other tension you notice.

2. Then take about 5 minutes or so, eyes closed, and just allow your mind to dream up your perfect ordinary day... Feel how it would feel to go through that day in this ideal way, see the details, hear the thoughts in your mind (or the lack of them), see and hear others that may be in the day with you and the quality of those interactions.

The plan is to go through the whole day in your mind, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. Notice what is happening, your surroundings, who is there with you and who isn't, but most importantly notice the quality of your day, how you go about it, how is your energy, how you transition from one event to the next, from one interaction to the next. Notice your emotional and mental state as you go through this perfect ordinary day.

All the while keeping in mind these two questions:⁣

⁣✦ What am I doing more of ? and ✦ What am I doing less of ?⁣

3. When you reach the end of your imaginary day, ask yourself these 2 questions (which also point to your mission in the world):⁣

➠ What do I want to have more of in my life?⁣
➠ What do I want to see more of in the world?⁣
➠ And what is the resonance between the two?⁣


4. Allow yourself to come out slowly, and take notes of any insights you've had.

This is a very simple but profound process.

What I learned was that in so many ways I can live my days in line with my perfect day already NOW.⁣ We all can.

We can choose to bring a certain quality to our day, every day. It's called intention.

It's not up to the circumstances, but up to us and how we choose to show up no matter the circumstances.⁣

So let's not delay and let's live our lives more in the way that we want to live them NOW.⁣

I hope you try this process yourself and get your own powerful insights.⁣

And do share it with people you think would find it useful too.

Thank you.

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And if you'd like to be guided through this process, book a coaching session with me below.